My oil sands book, now on Kindle.
![Bitumen: The people, performance and passions behind Alberta's oil sands by [McKenzie-Brown, Peter]](
Rather amazingly, in my little world, AmazonI recently posted my award-winning book Bitumen: The people, performance and passions behind Alberta's oil sands, on Kindle; here's a link.
This book covers the written record of Alberta's oil sands - the world's second-largest petroleum resource - from 1715 to the present day. The focus is on men and women who contributed to the enormous scientific and technological advances that enabled the oil sands sector to become a petroleum giant. Equally, it reviews recent developments that make much of the sector at best marginally economic.
According to renowned petroleum historian Earle Gray, the book "is a powerful addition to the corpus of writing about Canada’s petroleum industry. But it is more than history: it is an account of current challenges and visions of future possibilities. While he focuses on the vast oil deposits in the Alberta oil sands, he also sheds wide-ranging light on other aspects of the Canadian petroleum industry’s history.
"The author "has woven his story from an impressive array of diverse sources, as well as intensive and extensive research," Gray continues in his foreword. "The result is a must-read for anyone interested not only in the history of the Canada’s oil business, but perhaps more importantly, Canada’s economic history."
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This book covers the written record of Alberta's oil sands - the world's second-largest petroleum resource - from 1715 to the present day. The focus is on men and women who contributed to the enormous scientific and technological advances that enabled the oil sands sector to become a petroleum giant. Equally, it reviews recent developments that make much of the sector at best marginally economic.
According to renowned petroleum historian Earle Gray, the book "is a powerful addition to the corpus of writing about Canada’s petroleum industry. But it is more than history: it is an account of current challenges and visions of future possibilities. While he focuses on the vast oil deposits in the Alberta oil sands, he also sheds wide-ranging light on other aspects of the Canadian petroleum industry’s history.
"The author "has woven his story from an impressive array of diverse sources, as well as intensive and extensive research," Gray continues in his foreword. "The result is a must-read for anyone interested not only in the history of the Canada’s oil business, but perhaps more importantly, Canada’s economic history."
My 2017 book, Bitumen: The people, performance and passions behind Alberta's oil sands, is The Petroleum History Society's book of the year. I'm quite honoured. Here is an intro to the oil sands, based mostly on information from the first chapter of that book.
By Peter McKenzie-Brown
Hudson’s Bay
Company explorer James Knight made a seminal observation in his diary on
June 27, 1715. On an expedition into today’s Alberta, he wrote that he had
learned from Cree “Home Guard” Indigenous people, local trappers and factory
abt the Great River it runs into the Sea on the Back of this
Country & they tells us there is a
Certain Gum or pitch that runs down the river in Such
abundance that they cannot land but at certain places & that it is very
broad and flows as much water.
In English, at least, this is the first written reference to the Alberta oil sands which, in terms of bitumen in place, rank among the world’s largest petroleum deposits.
But these vast
resources were little more than a scientific oddity until after Confederation,
when the development of oil and natural gas virtually created a second
industrial revolution – one more far-reaching by orders of magnitude t han the
century-long event that began in Britain with its development of the coal-fired
steam engine in the mid-1700s.
There are two
main reasons for this. The first is that liquid hydrocarbons fuelled a
revolution in the technologies used for transportation and manufacturing. One
result was a sharp rise in standards of living within the countries fortunate
enough to own the resources and develop infrastructure to exploit them. In many
regions, notably Western Canada, governments were the primary owners of these
resources, and the resources themselves are vast. Thus, their development
requires close cooperation among government, industry and the scientific
Within this
context, a cacophony of information about the oil sands has come out in
traditional form, and the numbers are growing. Four oil sands books came out in
the late 1970s and 1980s – to a large degree as a celebration of the
anticipated start-up of the giant Syncrude plant.
Earle Gray first released
one of those volumes – The Great Canadian
Oil Patch: The Petroleum Era from Birth to Peak – in 1970, and a thoroughly
revised edition 34 years later. Each version was a comprehensive look at
Canada’s petroleum sector at time of publication.
In 1993, David
Breen released his
magisterial study of Alberta’s petroleum industry and its regulator. A decade
later, Paul Chastko’s Developing Alberta’s Oil Sands: from Karl Clark to Kyoto came out;
it covers the period 1920-1997. A third volume is Joyce Hunt’s massive, Local Push Global Pull: The Untold History of the Athabaska
Oil Sands. It primarily covers the first three
decades of the 20th century.
In 2009, Satya
Das – an engineer with an oil sands
background – published a book called Green
Oil: Clean Energy for the 21st Century? In that tome he argues that the oil
sands can be developed as a green commodity. Other recent contributions include
The Future of Oil: A Straight Story of
the Canadian Oil Sands by Sanjay Patel, another petroleum engineer; Alistair Sweeney‘s Black Bonanza;
and Ethical Oil: The Case for Canada’s
Oil Sands by right-wing commentator Ezra Levant.
A recent
development has been the publication of popular books focused on global
warming, and zeroing in on oil sands development as a threat to humanity. One
such came from the pen of a prolific MontrĂ©al-based writer, William Marsden. It’s title? Stupid
to the Last Drop: How Alberta is bringing environmental Armageddon to Canada
(and doesn’t seem to care). Not to be outdone, Andrew Nikiforuk released Tar Sands: Dirty oil and the future of a
continent in the same year, 2010.
continuing this story, it is worth putting the Marsden and Nikiforuk books in
perspective. A 2012 report compares greenhouse gas emissions from the 36 sources of oil used in
the United States. According to economist Jackie Forrest, if you factor
extraction, processing, transportation and consumption as fuel into the
equation – that is, if you use the “well-to-wheels” approach in making GHG
calculations – emissions from oil sands are in 14th place on the table. If you
add Canadian well-to-wheels calculations into the mix, the number rises to
ninth place. Put another way, the environmental enthusiasm of the writers
seemed to have interfered with the accuracy of their research.
Challenge and Method
I have spent the last 30 years following
these developments in various capacities. My object has always been to provide balance
and perspective to help the reader navigate the seemingly endless debates about
the financial viability and environmental costs of oil sands development. It
draws from a wide range of documents to provide a current, informed and
accessible account of the industry’s evolution, achievements and drawbacks.
Like a living
thing, the manuscript grew over several years. My sources included numerous
books and reports – some originally published in the 19th century. Much of this
nourishment came from the Glenbow Archives and from
Alberta’s Provincial Archives.
My interest in
the oil sands began with my work as coordinator and one of six interviewers for
the Petroleum History Society’s Oil Sands Oral History Project. Access to those 117 transcribed interviews gave me insights into the thinking of many industry
leaders and government officials. So did interviews I undertook in my day job,
which involved writing petroleum-related articles for a number of magazines.
these materials – especially the transcribed interviews – provided
extraordinary insights. As Victorian writer Thomas Carlyle wrote, history is
“the essence of innumerable Biographies.” He added, “but if one Biography, nay
our own Biography, study and recapitulate it as we may, remains in so many
points unintelligible to us; how much more must these million, the very facts
of which, to say nothing of the purport of them, we know not, and cannot know!”
If this is true of a single biography, would an industrial history
covering three centuries be more unmanageable still?
Perhaps the
answer to Carlyle’s dilemma can be found in an idea presented by another 19th
century thinker, American philosopher William James. According to his “great man” theory of history, “sporadic great men come everywhere.” In the context of this history, scientific investigation
of petroleum and of the oil sands began in Canada in the 19th century, with
European records of early interest in the commodity dating back three full
“But for a
community to get vibrating through and through with intensely active life, many
geniuses coming together in rapid succession are required,” James said. “This
is why great epochs are so rare. Blow must follow blow so fast that no cooling
can occur in the intervals. Then the mass of the nation grows incandescent, and
may continue to glow by pure inertia long after the originators of its internal
movement have passed away.” Surely that
pattern describes the increasing interest in and development of the oil sands
during the last 90 years.
The stories of
those who found, explored and helped develop the oil sands are an integral part
of Canada’s history, but primarily because politics, governments, regulators,
corporations and scientific institutions enabled their efforts to prosper or –
in more cases than we care to remember – caused them to fail. To a large extent
because of great distances and the bitterness of winter in Alberta’s northern
forests, in the early years those pioneers were exploring and investigating
areas in which simple survival was a feature of daily life. When fast-flowing
rivers were clear of ice, navigating scows full of equipment and supplies to
the nearest railway was another, sometimes deadly, challenge.
At an 1888 committee meeting in Canada’s Senate, the Geological
Survey of Canada’s R. G. McConnell provided the first
creditable estimate of the oil sands’ potential. He used three assumptions
based on field and lab work to come up with his calculations. First, he said,
there were at least 1,000 square miles of bitumen-saturated sand in the area.
Second, the sands were 150 to 225 feet thick. Third – and this result came from
laboratory tests that involved boiling oil sand samples – the bitumen content
averaged 12 per cent by weight. Therefore there were about 30 million “long tons”
of bitumen in place – roughly speaking, 220 million barrels.
At this writing, the estimate of recoverable oil sands
reserves is three orders of magnitude greater. Of
course, McConnell’s number was an estimate of resources in place. It was not
what today is known as a “reserves estimate.” At that time the concept of
recoverable reserves – hydrocarbons that are economically producible at current
prices using existing technology – was unknown. No one had any idea how to
calculate what percentage of oil in the ground would ever see the inside of a
pipeline. The problem of calculating oil sands reserves bedevilled the
petroleum industry for another 120 years.
The Players
The players include people from Ottawa, the Alberta government, the private sector, the scientific community, Indigenous peoples and NGOs. This has not always been so, however. Between 1875 and 1918 the federal government was the principal actor, as an unpublished study by William Wylie explains – “at first from a sense of responsibility for regional development.” Near the end, it was because of “strategic considerations.”
The players include people from Ottawa, the Alberta government, the private sector, the scientific community, Indigenous peoples and NGOs. This has not always been so, however. Between 1875 and 1918 the federal government was the principal actor, as an unpublished study by William Wylie explains – “at first from a sense of responsibility for regional development.” Near the end, it was because of “strategic considerations.”
“In the 1920s,
the government of Alberta became the major force, in part in order to assert
its claim to control provincial resources. In the 1930s, two private companies
showed signs of promise and the two governments pulled back in deference to
private development and in order to cut costs,” he wrote. “The 1940s were years
of increased involvement on the part of both levels of government due partially
to strategic considerations, and to the power struggle between them. In the
1950s, the conventional oil boom in the province took attention away from the
oil sands and delayed their development until the 60s and 70s when the long run
decline of the conventional reserves was finally anticipated. When commercial
development occurred, private industry was the major agency, but with
considerable governmental backing as well.”
Released in
1990, Wylie’s study coincided with industry/government negotiations that led to
a new stage of oil sands development. Since 1992, financial responsibility for
oil sands development has lain entirely with the private sector. The signal for
this development began during the new Ralph Klein government,
when the stars aligned for deregulation of the petroleum industry along
free-market lines. Alberta dramatically reduced its royalties, and the federal
and Alberta governments withdrew financial support from the OSLO oil sands plant
and other petroleum projects. The era of government-funded loan guarantees and
tax and royalty concessions was over. Since that time government has provided
regulation and an improved fiscal regime for oil sands development, but no
cash. Industry has taken the risks and benefitted from the rewards.
During this
period, the sector developed important new production technologies. At its heart,
participating in the oil sands industry is a journey of constant tests,” said
Deborah Jaremko, editor of the industry’s trade magazine. “At first,
it was that the technology was unproven. Then it was that low oil prices
severely challenged the economics. Then, with rising oil prices and new
technology, came the whirlwind of a boom coloured by the new visibility brought
by the oil sands’ presence on the world stage.”
By overcoming
continual challenges, the industry has benefitted the people of Canada – a
reality that seems obvious, given the size of this resource. At 168 billion
barrels of recoverable reserves, these deposits represent the third-largest oil
reserves in the world, after those of Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.
According to
the Canadian Energy Research Institute (CERI), oil
sands development touched almost every community in Canada through its impact
on job creation and economic growth. Every dollar invested in the oil sands created
about $8 worth of economic activity. One-third of that value creation took
place outside Alberta – in other provinces, the U.S. and around the world.
As I began writing,
Alberta collected some $4.5 billion in oil sands royalties each year. As
importantly, oil sands development and operations provide economic stimulus –
$21 billion in 2012 and direct employment for 20,000 – many of whom flew in
from across Canada for their 8-days-on, 10-days-off shifts. In real terms,
investment related to the oil sands would generate an anticipated $79.4 billion
in government revenues between 2012 and 2035. The NEB forecasts growth well into the future.
In recent
years the world view has begun to change, as disruptive technologies began to
affect the oil sands. Stanford University professor Tony Seba, for example,
recently made a presentation suggesting that the oil sands’ days as an energy source are numbered –
indeed, that the world will make a dramatic shift within less than a decade.
Even if this were true, the oil sands’ value as a carbon-rich petrochemical feedstock
would continue to in play for centuries.
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